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Rev. Earl Worley

Audio Archive of Missionary Evangelist Rev. Earl R. Worley, (deceased) 1934 ~ 2014 Age 80 Son of WWI Medal of Honor Awardee Cleaburn James Worley & Elizabeth {Randles-Dickens} Worley Brother of: Lilly Mae Worley Hock, Edgar "Ed" Lee Worley, Joyce Worley Katz Husband to: Marilyn Anne Foster Worley Dad to: Steven Mark, Michael Foster, Paul Edgar Son-In-Law of {Sir} Arthur Wheatley Foster & Jewel Irene Cocker VARIOUS ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN LIFE "A Life of Service to GOD & Mankind"
Earl was saved at Twin Springs Baptist church and grew up at First Baptist Church in Poplar Bluff,MO. At age 19 he transferred his membership to Second Baptist at Poplar Bluff and his records of membership are still archived at his request at Second Baptist Poplar Bluff,MO. Earl and Marilyn Worley entered ministry in 1954. Earl held a Masters of Theology from Advantage College, a ministerial diploma from Life Bible College and completed several specialized international Evangelism training programs through Billy Graham's School of Evangelism. Between 1973 and 2000, he extensively traveled as a missionary evangelist in western Europe, eastern Europe, Mid East, Central and South America, Africa, and in several far east nations; while meeting and ministering to numerous recognized worldwide religious leaders. Earl taught and served over the years as guest Teacher in numerous Seminaries and Bible Colleges. After planting several new churches Earl also served as Divisional Superintendance in the ICFG, and between the 1970's and 2000 he did extensive international mission evangelism into every quarter of the globe, going into places where no other recognized trinitarian pentecostal minister was allowed. During the late 1960's through the late 1970's, he also served as a Law Enforcement Command Chaplain and for several years during the late 1960's also served in the capacity of Chaplain in the Missouri Wing, Saint Charles Missouri squadran of US AFA/CAP. Pastor Earl was one of the very first ordained pentecostal pastors officially authorized to teach, in Roman Catholic Conferences on the Holy Spirit in the Saint Louis ardiocese across the United States and in foreign nations beginning in 1967. Similarly, as Rev. Evelyn Taylor, whom had been trained by Sister Ammie McPherson, had personally trained and raised up Brother Earl into ministry before he completed studies at Life Bible College; so too, did Earl, upon seeing the anointed call of God resting upon son Steven, in 1961, in fulfillment of the vow which Earl made both unto the Lord and Steven: from Steven's age of 16, did train Steven up in every avenue of ministries for eight years.
" Peter Walks on Water "
Sermon teaching to the students at
Christian Outreach School of Ministry
"Ministry of Reconciliation"
Sermon teaching to the students of
Christ for the Nations School of Ministry
"God's Will For You"
Sermon teaching to the students of Christ for the Nations school of ministry
"His People are to be Separated"
Sermon teaching to the students of
Christ for the Nations School of Ministry
" Stoney Pots Made Clean "
Sermon teaching to the bible students of Christ for the Nations school of ministry
"Five Smooth Stones "
Sermon teaching that Earl gave to the bible students of Christ for the Nations school of ministry
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